Volume 25:
The 16th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, 23-30 November 2020, virtual from ICMC-USP, São Carlos, Brazil


Preface i
Editors: Miriam Manoel, Laurentiu Maxim, Maria Aparecida Ruas, and David Trotman

Right Network-Preserving Diffeomorphisms 1
Fernando Antoneli and Ian Stewart

Algebraic knots associated with Milnor fibrations 30
Raimundo Araújo dos Santos, Osamu Saeki, and Taciana O. Souza

Algebraic differential equations of period-integrals 54
Daniel Barlet

Topological classification of circle-valued simple Morse-Bott functions on closed orientable surfaces 78
Erica Boizan Batista, João Carlos Ferreira Costa, and I.S. Meza-Sarmiento

Local Euler obstruction, old and new, III 90
Jean-Paul Brasselet, Nivaldo G. Grulha Jr., and Thuy Nguyên Thį Bích

Bi-Lipschitz and differentiable sufficiency of weighted jets 123
João Carlos Ferreira Costa, Marcelo José Saia, and
Carlos Humberto Soares Junior

Curvature lines of a transversal equiaffine vector field along a surface in 3-space 134
Marcos Craizer and Ronaldo A. Garcia

Two short proofs of the topological invariance of intersection homology 144
Greg Friedman

Critical principal singularities of hypersurfaces in Euclidean 4-spaces 150
Ronaldo Garcia, Débora Lopes, and Jorge Sotomayor

The Delta Invariant and Fiberwise Normalization for Families of isolated Non-Normal Singularities 173
Gert-Martin Greuel and Gerhard Pfister

Key polynomials for simple extensions of valued fields 197
F. J. Herrera Govantes, W. Mahboub, M. A. Olalla Acosta,
and M. Spivakovsky

The integral monodromy of the cycle type singularities 268
Claus Hertling and Makiko Mase

A generalization of Zakalyukin's lemma, and symmetries of surface singularities 299
Atsufumi Honda, Kosuke Naokawa, Kentaro Saji, Masaaki Umehara,
and Kotaro Yamada

Remarks on semi-simplicity of Alexander modules 325
Anatoly Libgober

Monster towers from differential and algebraic viewpoints 331
Piotr Mormul

Invariants and classification of simple function germs with respect to Lipschitz A-equivalence 348
Nhan Nguyen and Saurabh Trivedi

Minkowski symmetry sets for 1-parameter families of plane curves 361
Graham Reeve

Classification at infinity of polynomials of degree 3 in 3 variables 377
Nilva Rodrigues Ribeiro

On bi-Lipschitz invariance and the uniqueness of tangent cones 393
J. Edson Sampaio and E. Carvalho da Silva

Some notes on the local topology of a deformation of a function-germ with a one-dimensional critical set 403
Hellen Santana

Derived KZ Equations 422
Vadim Schechtman and Alexander Varchenko

Smooth rigidity and Remez inequalities via Topology of level sets 443
Y. Yomdin

Characteristic Classes of Homogeneous Essential Isolated Determinantal Varieties 456
Xiping Zhang